QuestionIt was 10:30 night and I was parked on the street at the end of my girlfriends drive way. The only car blocked was hers and we were inside. When I came back out my car had been towed. When I went to get my car, it took me 1 1/2 hours to get it, had to pay $150.00, and the guy just pocketed the cash and said he wasn't going to put it on his books when I asked him about a receipt. Is this legal?
Answeris what legal ???
you blocking a driveway ???
You getting towed ???
Or having to pay $ 150.00 for the tow cause the vehicle was blocking a driveway???
Or the fact that you did not get a receipt ???
First of all, where was this. I would need a city or state to help you with this.
And who ordered the tow, the police department, a HOA (home owners association)???
The driver might of been the owner of the company but who knows. But I would think that if you were paying for a service, then you should of got a receipt. That is normal business practice.
Hope this helps a bit.