Towing Issues: Towing Jeep Cherokee, jeep cherokee, wheel bearings
QuestionWe have a 1999 Jeep Cherokee which is not full time 4 wheel drive and would like to tow it behind our RV. Do we need to have the driveshaft disengaged? What does this entail and how much should we expect it to cost? What kind of tow gear do we need?
thank you!
AnswerThis is the classic which way is better and is ALWAYS a great campfire debate. I'll refer you to since the type of transfer case wasn't mentioned. Not all Part time Jeep transfer cases have neutral. I think there are four different types now. Also your owners manual can be helpful for flat towing recommendations and limitations. Disconnecting the driveshaft is a safe solution but not always convenient. Crawling under a wet Jeep or long road trip isn't always fun! Another safe option which isn't mentioned is a car trailer. By the time someone pays for tow bars, sway controls, brake buddies, wiring and labor a car trailer can be bought. Also with a trailer is less wear and tear on the Jeep. Wheel bearings and trailer tires are inexpensive should these items need replacing. Should something be run over in the road by the RV the Jeep will be saved by the trailer. Unload the Jeep and find help. It's also easier to back up a trailer than a "dingy". If you didn't know a term used for towing vehicles behind RV's. By now you may see a pattern that I'm a fan of trailers especially for major road trips. As I have said this is a classic debate but if a trailer isn't an option then it comes down to personal choice. Keep doing your research and check some RV and Jeep forums as well. As for tow gear or gear ratio I'm assuming the RV? More information is required to properly answer the question and referring to the RV manufactures websight is helpful. Good luck and have fun!