Towing Issues: Towed from my apartment for no license plate, traffic law enforcement agency, traffic law enforcement
QuestionI live in California and my car was towed from my apartment because of no license plate, but the car was registered and up to date and I had my guest parking sticker displayed on my windshield. In the entrance of the building there is a sign that states "Private Property", and your car can be towed for a list of reasons including not having a license plate. They are claiming my car was abandon because of no license plates and that is why it was towed. A citation was placed on my vehicle that stated abandon/no license plate and the warning box was checked, this was my first citation and was placed on my car at 8:05 which is the same time authorization was given tow. They also placed a warning sticker on my vehicle at 7:50 and called my car in at 7:55 and my car was towed at 8:05. What i want to know is do i have a case against my management because they towed the car in matter of minutes after posting my citation and warning sticker, they did not give me sufficient time to correct the violation that I was being cited for, and because they did not wait an hour to tow my car after it was called in to the traffic law enforcement agency. I have all the paper work and documentation showing the times the paper work was placed on my car and time of tow. I understand they had the right to tow my car but because they violated the vehicle code 22658 by not waiting 96hrs after placing the citation and not waiting an hour after the car was reported before towing, do you think i have grounds to sue and does it sound like a pretty strong case? I was told by the manager that because I did not have a plate my car is consider abandon and the vehicle code does not apply to my situation.
Thank you
AnswerI would check your lease agreement. It should have specific information about their towing policy. If they have a written policy get a copy of it. Under most states PPI (private property impound) laws a owner or manager can have a vehicle towed if it is violation. What you need to look for is a loophole in their policy which would require them to follow state laws or a written policy as to notification. I will check some of the case law. See what you can come up with and let me know.