Question Hello Mr. Cantrell, thank you for your services. I was visiting my gf at her apt complex in Lakewood, Ca. My car was parked their, no sticker/decals/visitors pass. My INS is current, but exp. reg by 6 months...I travel out of the country for business. Complex security called, it was towed by Mr. C's of Los Alimitos, Ca. The old ugly "Bat" that works their squawked at me that she will not release it until its’ registered and I need to show proof of INS!
At the time I arrived, they had not even unhitched it from the tow, what are the laws in California regarding this matter, it's a Police Tow Company and does “IT” have the right to keep my truck for lack of reg?
Rack up debt for daily storage and monitor/verify my dealings with the DMV? I feel as though, if I showed up, presented proof of ownership, then I should be allowed to pay fee and my vehicle should be relinquished to me. I want to sue this company in small claims for lost time off work and for holding my vehicle hostage.
Buy the time I get it out of impound…it’ll possibly be over a week!
Furious Mike in Los Angeles.
AnswerYou're advising that this is a police towing company? That sounds like a conflict of interest. If the vehicle was towed from private property then you should be able to get the vehicle released with proper proof of ownership as long as no citation was issued and it was not a police PPI.
California towing laws are easily accessible on line and are pretty detailed about towing. You can also file a form contesting the tow.