Towing Issues: Towed while conducting business, better business bureau, small business owner
QuestionRecently I was conducting business at a customer's home ( I am a small business owner) and my car was towed. I was parked in a parking space in front of the customer's apartment. I was surprised to have my car towed and found out that this is a regular occurrence at this apartment complex. The residence are supposed to warn their guests. I complained to the tow company about not seeing any visitor's parking nor any signs. They informed me that the signs are along the fence in the back of the complex where the visitors parking is located. Do I have any legal recourse because this is a frequent occurrence at this complex. While I was picking up my car,more cars were brought to that lot as well. I know this has to be illegal because it certainly is WRONG!!!! I live in Arlington, Texas. What can I do?
AnswerTowing from private property requires a signed towing authorization. It must also be clearly posted if the parking is restricted. There also should be signs posted at the entrance to the complex. I would definitely contact an attorney and notify the better business bureau, the complex, the towing company (in writing), the State TRAA (Towing and Recovery Assoc of America) and That should be a good start.