Questiontheir are no sings posted on the property were the car was taken, the car was not there for more than 10 hrs
what is my recourse?
Answerwell there is a lot of missing information here in this question.
Signs as a "GENERAL RULE" have to be up and posted. BUT they do not have to be in each space or every so far apart.
The laws generally require that signs be posted at the entrances to the complex and that would be legal.
Time frame for allowing an "ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLE" to remain, well I am not sure if there are any laws on that, but illegal is illegal.
Now as to why it was towed, I have no answers as I have very little information to go on.
New Jersey has changed some of its laws regarding towing vehicles from Private Property and then some of them have been repealed or changed again. I have lost track of what is legal or required in New Jersey lately.
Sorry for not having the answers for you