QuestionI wanted to know is it lawful for the tow company to get my car for expired tag with no warning. What if you happen to visit a friend or relative and you received a guest pass. Your birthday just past and you forgot to renew your decal on your tag. You happen to step out only to find out that your car is missing and you call the police to report that your call has been stolen. Few minutes the police call you back and tell you that your car has been towed. You call the towing company and they told you that your car was towed because of expired tag. Isn't there a law in the state of Florida that you must be given a 24 hour notice before towing your car? Also can the towing company put a stipulation on you that you have to have a decal and the amount that they charged you before getting your car back? This is in Broward County in Florida.
AnswerGenerally, the apartment or condo complex management are the ones who make the rules regarding the expired tags and such... Its not really "UP TO THE TOW COMPANY" to make the rules, they just have to follow what the complex directs them to, along with any state laws regarding parking vehicles...
If the complex requires stickers, decals or placards to park in the spaces then it needs one. If the complex says that "NO PURPLE CARS ON THE 3rd TUESDAY OF THE MONTH" then if you have a purple car it gets towed then.
As to 24 hour notices, that generally apply to where vehicles are parked and there are "NO TOWING SIGNS" posted.
I know that in most cases there are laws where if the signs are posted and legal then it can be towed right away.
Yes there are a few other cases where it sits for awhile. But then again that might be a local law, or a complex regulation.
As to prices, well I know that Broward County has some regulations regarding towing, but I am not sure if they regulate prices for towing vehicles illegally parked from private property. I lost the link that I had to them, and only found some real old stuff on a quick search here.