Towing Issues: WHOS RESPONSIBLE, naselle washington, washington dol
QuestionDear Richard,
I belong to a non-profit philanthropic ladies organization in Naselle, Washington. About two years ago, we held a garage sale to raise much needed funds. A generous couple donated a car for us to sell, and we were able to find a buyer. Unbeknownst to our group, the couple who donated the vehicle tour off the tab at the bottom of the title, filled out the form that they gave the vehicle to our group, and mailed it to the DMV. We recently received a towing/impound bill in the mail for approximately $1,700+. Apparently, the person who purchased the vehicle did not transfer the title and abandoned it. We have the name of the individual who purchased the vehicle, but cannot locate. At this point, we don't know what to do and we would love your advice. My questions are: 1. Are we responsible for paying for the bill? 2. Can we request a lost title and give to the towing company in lieu of the bill? 3. Does liability insurance cover this type of situation?
AnswerIf I remember right, Washington DOL has a form which you can complete to transfer the "legal status" to the person who bought the vehicle from your non profit association.
People who fail to change the titles into their names are very common as a lot of them look for vehicles like the one you sold which they can get cheap and drive till it dies or gets towed. Then they just do it again.
Talk to the tow company also and see what they can do. They might be of some help also.
But according to the state laws, the vehicle is registered to your group and that is where the legal standings are right now.