Towing Issues: PA Towing of an RTI Ramp, rti ramp, pennsylvania dmv
Our western PA Jeep club has constructed an RTI ramp (similar to the one shown here:
This is a ramp used to test Jeep flexibility and we would like to tow it. Our question is does this need to be licensed? Is it technically a trailer? Do we need lights and fenders? We are trying to avoid a ticket if we can! Thanks, Jen
AnswerWell I really have no idea of what the Pennsylvania DMV requires for trailers or what standards it has adopted...
My best answer is to contact them and let them tell you what you need as after all they are the ones who have the laws and the police enforce them.
Any rulings you get on this trailer, you might keep with it so that you can settle issues if you get stopped.
Sorry for not having the answers you need.