Questionmy sons car was towed and stored in washington state. it was auctioned off and
now the owner of the towing company wants my son to pay $1200.00. Didn't
the owner get paid when he auctioned off the car? What are my son's
AnswerYour son, as the owner of the vehicle is responsible for all towing and storage fees per Washington State Law.
Now the tow company for example will have $ 1800.00 of towing and storage fees, and the vehicle say sells for $600.00. The difference is what is owned and that is what the tow company is asking for.
Now state law also says that if the towing and storage fee shortage is owed, the possibility of your son being sent to a collection agency or worse yet, having his drivers license suspended or even vehicle tags suspended is possible according to state law..
I would work as much as I can with the tow company to resolve the issue.
Sorry but I know this is not the answer you wanted to hear.