Towing Issues: Removal of vehicle without notice, tow company, towing company

California is what state I am referenceing.

May 2008 a vehicle was towed from my sister in laws address. The title was in my brothers name. He was arrested on June 6th.

Last month I found out that she also had retitled his boat. I have gotten that back.

I am questioning the tow company on the whereabouts of this 1964 ford which belonged to my mother, the towing company says they sent letters, to whom, I have checked all of his belongings and with his ex, and she said no notice was ever sent.

They are not calling me back and I have called them 4 times

Question is: does the tow company have to give me the information since I do have power of attorney for my brother, do they have to keep records for any amount of time.

I am worried that my sister in law has played another scam, and somehow her and her new boyfriend like the boat thing.

Thanks in advance for your help Richard  

Well I am not sure about this question as it gets into the legal ends of the "ownership" of the vehicles and such. Reason I say this is if they are forging the information to retitle the boat and possibly the car then it gets criminal...

DMV most likely will not provide you with the information on the vehicle if they have it without court orders due to privacy laws.

I do know that records have to be kept of vehicles which go though the auction lien process and paperwork is filed (or supposed to be filed) with DMV so that it can be reviewed and legal.

And dealing with vehicles which were towed a year ago should fall into the time frame that records are kept by both parties.

However again I have to say that this gets into a bit of possible criminal issues and also some civil issues. I would talk with an attorney and see what they suggest to do, as even though you have the "power of attorney" you might have limited power in this matter to find out the information you are after.

Not sure what else to say, but it does not sound good for your brothers belongings, and I agree a possible scam might of happened.