Towing Issues: condominium parking, storage fees, maintenance contracts
QuestionMy wife and I have been unable to pay for our condo nor the condo maintenance since we've been unemployed for some time. We have one assigned parking the other vehicle is parked in a guest spot. The condo recently changed their parking decals, but they refuse to give us ours because our maintenance fees are not up to date. They are threatening to tow our cars starting on June 1st. We simply don't have the money to pay. Can they legally do this, if not where can we turn? Please help. Thank you
AnswerI would say that based on my limited legal knowledge of Condo purchase - maintenance contracts that they most likely would be able to have your vehicle towed.. It sounds a bit chicken crappy but after all they do hold all the power in the contract.
Other than consulting an attorney (more $$$$) I would be careful and try to do what ever I could to prevent more expenses.. If it is towed then there are towing and storage fees and if those are not paid then the tow company will most likely file a lien on the vehicle and sell it.
Then you will be out of the vehicle and still have problems.
Sorry to hear about your bad luck, hope it turns around soon.