Towing Issues: Unfair towing issue, property management office, towing company

   We parked the car at 414 Hunger drive parking lot. The sign says “If you are NOT tenant or customer of this building, your car will be towed”.  At that time, my 5-months-old daughter spit up  and needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible, so we rushed to the public library restroom(cross the street) first and visited some stores in 414 building afterwards. Then our car was gone. We contacted JBG property management office and they said since we left the parking lot, they won’t consider we are customer anymore. The contract between property management and towing company is “as long as they see people leave the parking lot, cross the street, towing company can tow the car”.  But from their sign, we cannot see this point.
Can we make a claim against the JBG company for not having proper signage or proper contract even?

I wouldn't think it's in your favor. The tow sign clearly expresses towing is enforced and will result. For whatever reasons, as innocence as yours may seem, you did leave which resulted in the tow. You may find (or already know) that someone from the property or management company watched you leave and called the towing company which further justifies the removal.