Towing Issues: Towing Issues, dodge grand caravan, 2006 dodge grand caravan

I am planning  a moving trip to San Antonio, Texas May 1st and I would like to pull my vehicle behind a Penske Truck. I have a 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan, but Penske and Uhaul say that the specs on this van can not be pulled... Would you have a solution for me? If I don't pull the van, my wife will have to drive and she is scared of heights when crossing bridges... Thank You....

I am sorry about Penske and Uhaul saying you can not tow your vehicle behind the truck. I know that they both have done lots of research (especially Uhaul) into what can be put on trailers and car dollies.

If the rules say NO, then I am not sure what else to say other than she would have to drive.  Well there is also the option of you buying a trailer and doing it your self, but that is expensive.

Sorry for not having an answer.