Towing Issues: Towing of Private Property, property management company, santa paula california

QUESTION: I work for a Property Management Company and we need to know what the "legal" signs for towing off private properties is suppose to say and if there is a size requirement.  We want to tow for Fire Lanes, storing, no permits and the rest of what the CC&R's/Rules & Regulations say not to do.  Do we have to cite a vehicle 1st, how many and where do the signs have to be posted, and etc.?  Can you help me with that?

ANSWER: I need the city and state to find the state statue. Also you will have to research the local ordinance in your area, if there is one. Most professional and reputable towing companies that provide private property towing will also give information or provide all the resources for a exclusive tow contract

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The city I am looking into Santa Paula, California.  We have had issues with towing companies and etc in our areas and feel if we ask one of them for information they will push for the contract, and at this point we are not ready for.  Do we have to have a contract with a towing company to have them tow?  The Ordinance doesn't state what the signs are suppose to say, the size or etc.  Thank you for all your help we really appreciate it.

here is the state statue and answers most of your questions and "YES" management will have to provide written authorization for the removal, an acting agent must be present during the removal and pictures taken. If no city or county ordinance is available or written then obey the state laws.