Towing Issues: towed at condo, storage expenses, tangible proof
QuestionDo I have a case or am I wasting my time?
I live in Monroe, WA in a condo and my girlfriend was visiting. She was told by management a few weeks ago that she cannot park in the visitor parking for "more than 48 hours" and the signs and posted policy state "48 hour visitor parking". She parked on the street (elsewhere off property) and then every once in a while she would park in the visitor spot taking care to NOT park more than 24 hours. This continued for the last 2 months. Well she went to school at UW bothell yesterday morning, came back at 6pm, parked in the visitor spot and was towed at 12 midnight.
We have a receipt for her student parking at the UW university that is timed and dated to prove she was not in the condo spot for more than 6 hours that day. I plan on taking this to court.
Also when I spoke to management and questioned the 48 hours, the response was "she has been parking here off an on for a while so we no longer consider her a visitor." She is not on my lease and does NOT live with me. At what point does she become a "resident"?? I found that ridiculous. Am I wrong?
AnswerNot at All, you have a strong argument especially with the time stamped/dated parking ticket. It is hard to dispute tangible proof. If the vehicle was only parked for 6 hours then according to the current rules and regulations the vehicle could be parked legally for another 42 hours. It doesn't matter how many times she had parked there before or what has happened in the past, that isn't the issue. Stay focused on the vehicle being towed within 6 hours, that is the case. You could bring up the lease and residency but that is more information than is really needed. In my opinion it would be in the best interest for management to reimburse the towing/storage expenses. Good luck!