Towing Issues: Preditory Towaway in Lakewood, tow company, oil lube

My son drove into a driveway that had an oil change business and a car wash. When he drove in to the area there were no visible No Parking signs. He turned into a parking area with lines for parking slots and parked his car. When he came out his car was towed. I went and looked at the area and the only public notice was hidden completely by a pole and only visible is standing around a corner from the lined parking area.

What is the law on public notice and what can we do to fight this? What website can we read the ordinance on?

Mike, I'm not clear on what you are asking. If I understand correctly your son parked in unauthorized parking spaces not used or assigned by the oil/lube business. Since there was a tow sign posted the only thing being disputed is the sign couldn't be seen. The tow company can't be held accountable for someone not reading/seeing a sign. The vehicle was still in violation and or not authorized. Not knowing exactly the city or state I'm limited on helping with the statues or ordinance.