Towing Issues: Towing, tow truck driver, tow company
QuestionI was driving in new jersey and I went off the road into a ditch.I called towing company.When they came I told them all I wanted was my car pulled out of the ditch.My car was not damaged and fully operatable.The tow truck driver refused my request, tried pulling me away from my car and still towed my car to their facility.Is this right?
AnswerI'm assuming police were not on scene and the tow company you called was the company that took the vehicle. Also, I'm assuming you were not on the Jersey Turnpike. The Jersey Turnpike has it's own rules and regulations. Was there a payment problem or unacceptable payment method? Are you the registered owner for the vehicle in the ditch? I probably know why the vehicle was towed but what was the operators reasoning? There has to be more to the story. Simply stated, in my opinion, if you asked for a winchout and the vehicle was consider safe to drive, your registered vehicle, acceptable payment method was available on scene and towed without your authorization you could have a favorable civil case. My suggestion is contacting the tow owner first and ask for a meeting and solve the problem or miscommunication. Neither want to drag this out in court, loss of time and money for both parties.