Towing Issues: public towing of travel trailer, unwanted vehicle, inclement weather
QuestionMy son was house sitting for a friend of the family and this man said he could park his travel trailer there while he house sitting , he stayed in the trailer. The man came home and because of things beyond our control wanted him to move the trailer within 48 hours but because of the weather, 2 feet of snow we are unable to move the trailer. So what I kneed to know is can he have it towed before we can move it?
AnswerThe home owner has every right to remove any unwanted vehicle, trailer, boat, whatever from his property. There are steps involved, in some states it is easy as a phone call to a towing company with signed consent and others more involved. Not knowing the state, city or county it is hard to completely answer the question. In my opinion it would be cheaper in the long run for your son to make arrangements and have it moved immediately. If he can't tow it or comfortable with moving it in bad weather, a tow company can and is cheaper than a private property tow/impound. There might be an extra charge for the inclement weather but think of the hassle of retrieving the trailer from impound. The travel trailer would still have to be towed if it went to impound, so do it once and be done. Hope this helps but don't wait around.