QuestionI wrongfully parked (100%) in front of someone's driveway. (I managed to not notice it...) My car was towed and I was relieved it was in fact towed, not stolen, but was bummed to realize the place was closed on weekends and I would need a release from Sac PD to get the car out. Fines and regulations, I get it. So I get to the place and while my car was towed at around 8:30p Friday night and I picked it up Monday morning around 11am, they charged me four days of storage. No point really in arguing, I wanted my car, so I paid and went across the street to the yard for my car.
I saw nothing. A friend with me is tall and he said he saw my car... with the door opened. And someone was in it front seat. What? Yes. He was fiddling with the wheel or something. He couldn't figure out what he was doing so called another. He couldn't figure it out, either. They came up to the gate and asked if there was a "special way to get the car started?" I looked at them and said "the KEY?" They said they tried that. I had never given them a key. I guess they have some generic key from my car make (Hyundai) to open the car door, but thank goodness it doesn't start since then people would get cars easily stolen left and right, right? Well, they allowed me in the yard to get my car. I got in and put the key in the ignition and the car was totally dead. I am assuming the alarm went off when the opened the door and they let it run until the battery died. It was a one-year old battery and it would not turn. After hooking a second battery, it began to turn on the 12th attempt.
Are tow companies allowed in the vehicle? Is there anything I can if the battery is damaged and I need it replaced since they managed to drain it?
Answerwell as a general - practical rule, tow companies do not enter vehicles for several reasons including liability issues..
BUT some tow companies do not allow customers to drive vehicles out of their storage yards due to a multitude of reasons...
You would be amazed at how many customers run into fences, vehicles or even other people while driving..
Now I am guessing that either they were trying to start the vehicle with one of the "pass keys" that some tow companies have to unlock vehicles or what ever, or they might of just had the wrong key for a vehicle tagged and thought it was your key...
But I have no idea what really happened..
Now as to the dead battery, well that is hard to say what caused it to go dead... Just trying to start it or leaving a door open for a few minutes or hour or so will not really kill the battery.
And most batteries do have a warranty where if it is bad they will replace it or pro rate the cost of the new battery.