Towing Issues: Private property booting, private property owners, cities of florida

In Florida there is a newly formed corporation that sells a business "system" and a "territory" based on population to individuals so they can start a 'private property car clamping/booting business'. They provide a business model,handbook,signage,clamps,a call center,everything needed to start a booting business and instruct you on how to get contracts with private property owners. I have an interest in the business but as I investigate the opportunity I am noticing there are local and state laws being enacted around the country to stop private property clamping. Obviously this is because of past abuses of towing companies, property owners, and local campers.  How do I find out the legality of clamping in various counties and cities of Florida?? How about other state information as to the legalities of clamping?? Must a business have a towing license to clamp even though there will be no towing that is unless an actual towing company is called in to assist? Can you give me a unbiased answer to this question as it will certainly have an effect on the local towing truck business nearby?? (If you tow or own a business that tows I am certain you will have strong feelings as to why this business should not exist.)  Thank you,  Doug

I know that there is a current ongoing issue about booting vehicles in the Orlando area and that will affect the outcome of if this is actually legal or not...

But as to if I condone "booting vehicles" well the vehicle is still on the property illegally parked and taking up a space for a potential customer of the business..

I would be real careful on buying a business like this as it is just like a towing business in regards to the laws which apply. And you have a great amount of "conflict and risk" which happens when a car is booted...

I wish I could help but this is something you would really have to research as to the laws in your area which apply to booting vehicles.