I was towed from a private lot a few weeks ago. It is an unused gas station that shares a property line where I recently started working. There are no lines separating the properties and no indicators as to what are valid parking spots. My car was parked 4 feet over from what the towing company considered my work property and they towed my car.
There are signs up on the old gas station (about 15 feet away), but I was never contacted by the towing company and 5 weeks went by before I could get a handle on the situation. They now claim I owe $1,500 and that if I do not sign over the title, they will report my car abandoned and my license will be revoked.
I can't find the towing laws for the state and the police were no help saying it was a civil matter. I am not sure what my rights are and any help would be great.
AnswerLouis sorry for the delay, it has been hectic at work and I wanted to research the laws for New Hampshire...
I have dug high and low online and I am not able to find anything law wise which could help you.
What it sounds like is the typical "shared - non defined" property line (think of a shopping mall here) and you can see that it becomes an area of "I think this is mine"
Now as to the "closed gas station" and who is authorized to have vehicles removed, there had to be someone "sign an authorization" to have the vehicle removed. Even if it was a lot which the tow company patrols - cruises looking for violators there has to be someone who gave the initial go ahead and signed the papers...
That is what I would be looking into...
Now as to the 5 weeks, well that seems strange as you work next door and could not see that the vehicle was removed ??
Or are you a long haul trucker type who is always on the road.
Lets say that it was towed, and yes there were 5 weeks which went by, most tow companies charge $25.00 a day for storage so you would have an daily storage fee for 35 days (5 weeks) x 25.00 = 875.00 (remember I am making up numbers here as storage could be more or less)
Now the fees could include towing, extra equipment such as dollies or so, then the storage fee, and maybe some legal administrative fees to notify the owners of the vehicle (it is registered in your name and the address is correct with DMV?)
There are all kinds of "general laws" which should apply here regarding the notifications and such. This is a bit strange that you have not received anything yet, but then I am not there and am not 100% familiar with the laws of that area (New England area tends to hide the laws from online searches)
Have you talked to the tow company and seen what you can do to work out a deal... Also if you are nice you might be able to find out what laws they are saying apply and you can find the information out that way and see if they are doing it correct or not...
I really hate that I can not help you much more but since both you and me can not find any laws which apply it makes it hard to do anything or provide answers... Have you thought about just asking an lawyer in the area if he knows what laws apply regarding towing from private property? Just a thought there.