Questionif a car is on a city's boot&tow list,can it be booted in the owner's driveway?
AnswerHere, most booting of a car is done by the order of the courts. Even then, it depends of which Judge the case went in front of. If you have received this order, real ALL THE SMALL PRINT! We have booted a car only for the judge to say "section blah, blah, blah said to impound the vehicle"
We have booted at car at an owners home, take pictures of the odometer before & after. We also have had to tow a car then boot it.
Also, we have towed a car parking enforcement has booted and wants towed away (coming soon to small universities) This is a fairly new punishment and I have yet to find ONE standard that fits all cases.
Some property owners want to make the money a tow-a-way company would, they boot the car and take it off after the driver has paid the fine.
Without any more information from you, this is about all I can tell you. You may be best to check with your local courts, city laws or county law. As I said above we have not been able to find a one fits all cases law. We've towed wrecked car to boot (HOA) had a problem with it being left in the driveway & have bylaws to back them up, we have had a person who was required to rent a car to be booted & yes, we have booted a car in a auto owners driveway.
Best thing I can tell you is find out (in writing) how they want you to have it booted.
Good Luck To You,