QuestionQUESTION: What can I do to prevent my car from being towed, once a tow truck has arrived?
What are the laws or do I have to pay a drop fee?
ANSWER: well the smart alec answer is to PARK LEGALLY...
Since you did not mention what City or State you are in, I can not answer this correctly as each state and many cities do have laws about how towing is handled...
Add in the fact that towing under orders from the police department verses towing from private property at owners request is each a different method and has different rules.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for the reply .. here is the details you requested.
I live in Honolulu, Hawaii. My question mainly refers to getting towed because:
1) Over Run Meter
2) Private Property at owners request.
3) and is the drop fee legal.?
AnswerI hope that this is what you are really looking for answers are.
Well in pay parking lots, the space needs to generate revenue so a vehicle not paying the "rent on the space" is not profitable for a business and so it can be towed as needed by the property owner - manager...
I know that it does not seem right, but drop fees are legal in 99% of the areas and at times it also depends on if the tow truck is "hooked via any towing attachment-chain or other device" or in some areas it requires the tow truck to be "physically in motion with the towed vehicle" before they can charge a drop fee...
I know that Honolulu has been battling this issue for the last year or so and I am not sure what status they are at law wise. I try to keep up but with 50 states its rough to keep up and add in the 1000's of Cities it gets down right impossible to do that.