QuestionThis happened in Denver Colorado. I walked up on the tow truck just finishing hooking up my car to his truck. I pleaded with him to get my car from him and unlocked the car to show him my registration. He said he lawfully had to impound it and drove off with the car unlocked. When I picked up the vehicle the next day my computer was missing from within. 1. If I was on site when he towed it, why could I not get my car. 2. Can I hold him liable for the missing computer? The computer is insured but I still have a high deductible!
AnswerWell a few "KEY PARTS" are missing here in the question.. First of all, why was it being towed and under who's authority...
Tows from Private Parking lots are a whole different ball game than tows ordered by law enforcement agencies for various reasons...
Contracts are different and the rules are different in regards to redeeming the vehicle "on scene"... So I really can not provide an answer "specifically" here...
But as to the missing computer, it will be hard to prove in either the eyes of the police or court as to if it was there... It will be a "he says, they say" issue I believe on that...
Sorry for that bad news, but you can try to see if they will take the responsibility for it. But since the vehicle was "unlocked" while you were there, they will most likely claim that it was stolen (if they even do) when it was dropped in their yard. And that they tried to keep it secure to the fullest extent possible...
Not sure what else to say on this one.