QuestionQUESTION: I live in a condo complex, I borrowed my boyfriend truck before he left for baton rouge for the huricane relief crew. I used the truck 2 days after he left and the next day the key jammed, I parked it in the guest parking lot. I have been trying to turn it on everyday and failed. Today when I came back from the post office, I still saw the truck and 2 hours later the truck is gone. I found out from the management office that it was towed because a commercial vehicle is not allowed to park more than 24 hours in the complex. It has his company name on the doors. I didn't know about this regulation. I called Towing company of orlando, I think that's the towing company name and was told my boyfriend has to call them. but I can't get the truck because He is in baton rouge and can't come back for a while. His paperwork is here in his house. Is there anyway I can fight it or we just have to let the truck go as the fee probably going to be higher than a 3-5 thousand truck? I am so confused, please give me some advise. Thank you so much in advance!
ANSWER: I wish you could have asked about the key being stuck! Is this a Ford? Too late now. First, ask the management to show you where in your lease it states no commercial vehicles. Look for a size limit. Wording such as delivery or repair trucks ect. Hopefully you will be able to find a loop-hole. Read about renters who are self employed.
The towing company is correct in only being able to give information to the registered owner. This is for the owners protection. You don't want to let it sit any longer than it has to be, since storage is adding up each day. Call the tow company and ask if 'a' registered owner may send or fax a notarized letter giving them the legal right to release the truck to you. There are a lot of towing companies who will work with you. Be fair, they towed the vehicle at the request of the property managements office. Ask if they will please work with you on the storage fee's.
Hopefully when they realize where your boyfriend is, (helping those in need) they will drop the storage fee & you can pay the tow fee only. You may also ask them if they will please show you just how the key got stuck & how you have to push the key toward the steering column, with foot on the brake, before & while turning the key. Make sure they know you understand they were only doing their job when they towed the truck, be nice & hope for the same in return.
In the future, whenever he is leaving town or you are, always leave the person who is taking care of your belongings a simply temporary Power of Attorney. it's a parent, trustworthy friend, or sibling. Since we are in a town with three collages, we always try to get people to do this, We personally will accept a fax from a parent who owns a vehicle & their child is in a crash. (we don't do any roam tow a-ways.)
Good luck to you, you may also visit our web-site at for any other legal towing information. Follow the links to 'know your legal rights', I belive it's under student information. Best of luck & bless you boyfriend for helping those in need.
Danny B's Towing & Recovery
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QUESTION: Lisa, Thank you again for your help. I am going to the trucktow co of orlando tomorrow and see if there is something I can do. I posted a notary wanted ad today and hopefully my bf can find one soon before he has to leave for Texas. Louissiana is still a mess. What happend if I finally can go there to get the truck and the truck won't start? I need it towed? talking about bad luck hoho..and definetely going to find a prove of no cormmercial vehicle first thing Monday since some neighbours don't know about this either. Thank you for your time Lisa, you are an angel for helping people like this. I never experienced this in my life and very confuse about this.
ANSWER: Thank you..Was the only problem they key was stuck? Do you know if you kept trying and ran the battery down? What is the truck make /model?
Well see if we can't help you!
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QUESTION: Its a F150 Ford, I couldn't start the car in the Goodwill's parking lot and then I panicked and called my bf and couldn't get through. I sat there with my daughter and kept trying and it did start, thank God. My bf said sometimes it happens and has to be jiggled a little bit. I don't know how to do it and I tried for 3 days to turn the key to return it to his work lot and it just moved a bit to the left and a bit to the right. I am not sure if I describe this clearly but it's not like the engine didn't start or it made weird noises. The key just simply won't work, I couldn't turn it?
AnswerWhile you are trying to torn the key, turn the wheel with all your power & make sure you keep your foot on the brake. The towing company may have already fixed this for you... From now on be sure you are at a complete stop before you put it in park, the push toward the wheel when you turn the key off. Best of luck,