QuestionMy car was towed in the middle of the road due engine failure and I told the towing driver I only have $60.00 on me but I can issue check for the rest of the money but I was told that they don't accept check, so the driver decided to take my car to their own lot. the driver told me that they charge for $126.00 for car was towed at PM and unfortunately I couldn't get the money until next day. I went to towing company at 12pm next day to retrieve my car and they told me I will have to pay $236.00 before I could get my car back. I believe if my car spend 24 hours in their lot then I will pay $50.00 storage fees but why too much money. Please I need answer to my question before I take this to court for Business malpractice. Thanks
AnswerWell the storage fee sounds about right for what I have heard about in California (you did not say where this was at) and I bet that they are charging storage by the calendar day in this case...
IF the vehicle came in at say 8pm and left the yard at 9am the next day then it would be 2 calendar days of storage equaling $100.00...
Now most places do charge storage on a "24 hour basis" under police contracts, which means that if it came in on Tuesday night at 8pm then till Wednesday night PM it would be 1 day. But like I said it can go both ways...
And it sounds like you were towed from the roadway and most likely at the request of the police officer, who called the tow truck to provide the service...
As to the tow company not taking a check, that would be up to the tow companies policy in most cases, only a few cases exist where as to contracts with police departments require them to take a check...
And if you were the one to call for the tow in the first place then all the above is out of the question as it would be a "private tow" instead of police ordered, and in the ease of keeping things straight most tow companies do tend to charge the same rate for storage as police ordered tows..
Now business malpractice, I guess you just plain feel that you should not of been charged for the services received even if you do not have the money for them.
Many people feel this way after being towed...
But towing and storage fees are the vehicle owners responsibility in each state and various laws do cover what is legal or not (again no state to base a SPECIFIC answer on for you).
Hope this helps you a bit, but without specific information I can not provide you with better answers...
PS if you tend to have car troubles a lot you can join an "auto club" which provides some limited towing options for the price of your membership. Yes even cell phones have "roadside assistance plans" which can help...