wanna junk or sell my used 98 buick regal ls and get top dollar as a used car sale and/or scrap metal
how owuld i go about htis?
there r soo many scrap metalists and junk yards and towing svcs involved r they all competitive
can i assume that?
and where do i get the best price?
how much shopping around shouod i do?
is there a lbs wieght calcualtor online or elsewhere
wats a reasonable price?
AnswerFrom what your telling me, the car is not in running condition. If your going to sell it as scrap, Pick & Pull seem to be the 'big dogs' of buying cars. They will tell you about what they will pay via the phone. Unless you are in the dismantling business, you will need to sell the car as just that, a car. You will need to have the title no matter who you sell to.
If there is a scrap yard willing to pay you by the pound for the car, they have scales at the entrance of the yard. You can get an avg. of the weight by looking on the drivers side door (on the door or where the door closes. Look for the GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight).
Be sure to turn the tag into your local DMV office. WARNING: DO NOT leave the car sitting in a public place with a for sale sign. If the tag is not up to date, or for any other reason they can find, a tow-a-way company will end up towing it away.
Your best best is to call a Pick & Pull or a company who pays for cars in your area. Also, be sure to find out how much they are going to knock off for the tow bill, unless you can get it to them on your own. As far as the price, that changes daily and varies from town to town. Right now as I type the price of scrap is up. Then again, the company willing to pay you the most for the car just may have a much higher towing price. You can always use your own towing company. You don't have to go with a top-notch towing company since you are no longer going to own the car. Every town seems to have a tow truck company that tows for less than the others! If this was a car you are going to be driving / own, stay away from them, yet to tow to get rid of a car, just follow them to the salvage yard, pay them & get your money on the spot.
Another option you do have is to donate the vehicle for a good cause. They will give you all the paperwork for your income taxes. It's a great write off!
Hope this gives you a direction to start!