QuestionI am suing a towing company in Newhall, CA for violating numerous sections of CVC 22658/22953 (California Vehicle Code) I am having trouble finding who regulates a towing company and what licenses are required to operate?
This company is located in Newhall, California 91322
AnswerWell there are state licenses, permits needed, and of course there are the City business licenses and such...
Now as to violations of the California Vehicle Codes which you listed it would seem that you should talk to the DMV offices and see if they might have the regulatory powers that are listed in the rules...
California laws are very complicated when dealing with towing of vehicles from private property and many different departments seem to have a finger in the pie... I am sure you are finding that out with your research...
I wish I could provide a better guide for you, its just one of those things I try to keep up on and its really hard with all the changes and rules all over the United States to keep current on...
Have you talked to an attorney at all or is one doing this for you.. They might be able to point you in the correct direction for answers...