QuestionI recently had my car impounded for 30 days. When I went to go ppick up my car I realized I had been ROBBED!!!! the towing company that hasd my car stole my stereo, my cd's, a freakin bottle of womens perfume, they even stole the front tires and replaced them with bald ones!!! I have all the reciepts for everything that was stolen .Before leaving the yard I became quit angry and the manager of the tow yard informed me to keep my voice down, and ask if I knew I was messing with the wrong people, he claims to be involved with the hells angels. My question to you RICHARD, why when so many people are being robbed in the same way do you act so shocked everytime someone on here tells you it happened to them? Do you not see a pattern here Richard?? something needs to be done, this is organized crime is it not????????
Good question to ask and I will give you a point to ponder...
Go back though the 1700 + questions I have answered and see if there is "ONE" post which says that the tow company treated them right, did not charge for the service... Is there a post which says that all the property was in the vehicle when they got it back and it was towed, stored for a long period of time and nothing wrong happened..
In the 4 years I have been volunteering on this board I bet that more than 1700 cars were towed NATIONWIDE...
You bring up a good point though. I do get shocked when I hear this kind of story and the reason is that I know it does happen...
After all there is always a few bad apples in every business...
There are about 50,000 tow companies in the United States or more who do this kind of work. Not everyone is a crook...
Do I see a pattern, YES I DO... I see a pattern of people complaining to me about their problems...
You stated that your vehicle was impounded for 30 days, and I am going to guess that you are in California and you were driving with a suspended license or something like that....
So it is the tow companies fault that you got towed. They were out driving around and seen you driving and called the police to see if you were a "legal driver"
Are you "the vehicle operator" required by law to have a valid license, valid insurance, have valid inspection stickers (if needed) in order to comply with the laws of the State which are designed to protect the motoring public (which you are part of)
As to the yelling at the tow yards, well that happens all the time as each and every person who gets towed is always innocent and did nothing wrong...
Police officers do not catch honest citizens who follow the law, they catch law breakers. Prisons are full of "INNOCENT PEOPLE" who do not commit crimes, they are just there because the Hyatt or Holiday Inn was full.
Now as to the theft issue, If you were towed (and in California) then a "180" form is written and on it is a vehicle inventory and vehicle condition report...
If the property was there and is listed on it then you have a case against the tow company for theft of property... Its hard to prove though but it can be done...
As far as the "association" which the Hells Angels, well that would be a bit of a mute point as long as the "tow company owner or manager" passes any required background checks required by law enforcement agencies in order to tow for them... Yes tow truck driver have to have this done in order to be "legal" to operate tow trucks...
Association is one thing, which can be twisted into so many things.. It would be like saying that anyone who is Baptist, 5'7" with blue eyes and Green hair is not allowed to do something because of looks and meeting those standards.
I could go on for a long time here, but as to a pattern I know there is one. I also know that the saying goes "if you like our service tell your friends, but if you do not like our service tell us" That tends to be wrong at times as people who have a bad experience tell everyone, but if you have a great experience you tend not to tell anyone.
(PS Bet this results in me getting bad feedback for my answer)