QuestionQUESTION: Our car was towed after an accident. When we called the tow company to inquire about removing expensive stereo equipment, we were to we could not remove the equipment. Now the car has been retrieved and the stereo equipment is gone. we filed a police report against the towing company for theft. What would you suggest we do to recover our stolen property?
ANSWER: Well I would check with your insurance company and see what they say about the theft...
But I also have to say that most tow companies do everything that they can to protect and secure items in their storage yards...
But like the saying goes "a lock only keeps an honest person honest"
Its a common problem now for theft from storage yards... Quick and easy to sell items are fair game... Now there are many tow companies who have been broke into and fuel and gas has become the hot theft items, along with cat converters (part of the exhaust system)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: So, that was lame.
Don't you have insurance and a bond to protect people's property. We have already filed a complaint against with the state dept. of license.
I know you won't answer, but most people are dishonest.
AnswerWell I am sorry that you feel the answer was lame, but its also the truth...
Yes tow companies have insurance (or are supposed to have it) and as such they would either turn the claim over to their insurance company or handle it in house...
Either the State or the contracting agency (the police department who called for the tow) mandate how much and what kind of insurance to have.
But then again there are also areas where tow companies do not have to have any insurance, that is really true in places where "wreck chasing" happens (examples are Chicago, Philadelphia, parts of Texas for example)
But the burden of proof is upon you, as you would have to prove it was in the vehicle, prove the value of the items, provide receipts and prices for the items..
Now the reason I mentioned your insurance company, is that MOST PEOPLE have insurance and as such if you have full coverage the insurance would cover towing and storage fees and make arrangements to get the vehicle repaired if it is not totaled.
BUT THEN PEOPLE also carry the required limits of insurance which means that you would be responsible for the towing and storage fees and any repairs to the vehicle..
Now that being said, your insurance company has more lawyers and "power or weight" (what ever you call it) to deal with the tow company than you do... Sometimes that is good...
But like I said, the tow company most likely did everything to protect the items in the vehicle from theft and such. But crooks and thieves do not have to be "JUST THE TOW COMPANY" and as such you need to understand that point... Yes it was in their custody and control, but so is the money in the bank that is yours and banks get robbed and "YOUR MONEY GETS STOLEN"... CRIME HAPPENS and as such it does take time to either accept or deny responsibility on the tow company part or their insurance company.
I was not there and do not know what happened or even if it was there. Its a you say, they say issue.
By the way, some states have very specific information and laws on tow company responsibilities and as such inventory sheets listing what is in the vehicle are listed with the police when they do the report. BUT I do not know if that is your case, since you did not tell me where you are.
As to the statement,"I know you won't answer, but most people are dishonest.", remember that goes both ways, I do not know "IF THE STEREO EQUIPMENT" was in the vehicle to begin with...
And over the 29+ years I have been towing, I have seen lots of "DISHONEST CUSTOMERS" who try to say things are in the vehicles which were not in there.
I volunteer on this board to help people with answers based on the information they provide, and when I do not get the needed information then I provide a very basic answer in return.
BUT to provide the answer that you want, JUST SUE THEM FOR EVERYTHING and remember to bring all the proof to court including receipts, and stuff for the "EXPENSIVE STEREO EQUIPMENT" that you had in the vehicle. After all the judge will decide the outcome of the case and rule in favor of who ever has the proof and the paperwork to back it up.