QuestionI'm from southern California and my car was towed about a year ago. I paid $1,000 for it . I was never contacted by the tow yard personally and the first I heard about the towed vehicle again was when rickenbacker collections demanded $1769.00 for it about 4 months later. I've already paid $900.00 of this debt and I don't want to pay the rest. Did they do anything illegal? Do I have to pay this debt?
AnswerWell if the vehicle was registered to you then you are responsible for the towing and storage fees per state law...
Now as to you being contacted personally, general practice is that a "certified letter" is sent to the last registered vehicle owners address on file with DMV...
Now if you moved then the address would be different if you did not notify DMV as per the law...
Now add in the Post Office not forwarding Certified letters then you most likely would not of received the letter. But that does not release you of responsibility and liability.
Now as to the Rickenbacker Collections handling the account, that company has made a big push in the towing industry for collection services.
As to how much you pay or want to pay, that all depends on you, and of course how "aggressive" they want to be in collections. And of course it also depends on how you want your credit report to read.