QuestionToday my front wheel vehicle was towed from behind. What damage could have been caused? I am trying to look it over to see if anything is amiss. The company that was supposed to do work in our complex 3 weeks ago finally came today without any notice. So, they towed anyone's car that was in their parking spots to an "open" spot. I just want to make sure I look it over for any damage they may have caused. Ashburn, Virginia
AnswerWell, in answering this question I can open up a bunch of issues which "COULD HAPPEN" but are also "MOST LIKELY NOT TO HAPPEN" also...
It all depends on how it was towed, what kind of equipment was used, if they used dollies on the drive wheels, or if they got into the vehicle and put it in neutral...
The kind of tow truck, the experience level of the driver, all of that is a factor.
How far was it moved, that's another thing.
About 100 things all affect the outcome of this answer and as such its real hard to answer it honestly...
Sorry, but the best things to pay attention to are the steering, the rear wheels (are they straight and in line) does it pull to one side or another...
Does the transmission work properly..
Are there any dents or damaged body parts..
Things like that are some of the many things that can go wrong.