Questioni have a full greyhound bus which i was living in and i was in the middle of vacating the private property (where I had paid the rent) and i went to get something to drink, gone less than 30 min. I came back and my bus was gone. I have not seen any written confirmation between the owner and the towing company and I know the bus was driven away not towed. they dont have the proper equiptment on hand to be able to tow it and witnesses saw them drive off. is this legal and whom could i contact about this
AnswerWell, it seems that some information is missing here such as what City and State you are in...
In most cases, the laws read that vehicles removed from private property are done by a tow company. But very few of them have in "exact wording" that says tow truck or towing device to be used...
Now with that being said, larger vehicles such as semi trucks and buses do tend to have a lot more issues to be handled before they are removed from the property... It can take anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes to hook up if there are no problems verses the 15 to 45 seconds for cars...
I know over the years I have towed several trucks from places and even have found one or 2 of them with keys in them, but how do you get two vehicles back to one place ?
Now it sounds as if the company that did this is not equipped to handle larger vehicles and as such just did what was easiest... But practically it opens up huge cans of worms on the legal side...(things can turn up missing, is the person driving licensed for that kind of vehicle, what does their insurance cover in this case)
As to legal, well again, the lack of information as to where does not help on this, and who to complain to is also hard to say...
Check with the local police and see what they can provide for information on any city or state laws... Then work from there and see what happens..
Good luck.