Questionhi i am from Chicago IL i have a car that was towed from this guy shop were he worked i paid this guy to fix my car but by me working between shifts when i get off i go by the shop hoping to catch up with the guy but he is not their even own my off days for about 3weeks i go up their but no response at the door now at this time it's been a month without me hearing from this guy or even seeming if my car was still inside then out of no where i get a 1400 towing bill from Lincoln towing what could i do to take care of this matter because if they would have contacted me in the first place while i was working i could have paid the ori balance please help thank you
Answerwell it sounds as if you left the vehicle at the repair shop to get fixed and might not of given a deposit or permission to repair the vehicle... Now if it was a mechanic at the shop you had the agreement with, is he still working there. He might of left and the shop owner did not know what was happening and had the vehicle removed..
Most shops have limited space and long term storage is frowned on.
I would be talking to the shop, even if its via certified mail. Find out what is happening, and why it was towed.
Talk to the tow company and see what can be done also. But basically, your car was towed and as the owner you are responsible for towing and storage charges till its paid for.
Is the car worth the tow bill ?
After all it was at the repair shop, if you pay the tow bill, you still have to have it repaired.
Keep good notes, but I think that this is a losing case here. Even in small claims court the issue of "abandonment" would come up seeing as it was over a month before you got the letter.