QuestionI live in a trailer park in Pasadena, Texas, Harris County. This weekend my new car was parked in my own driveway next to my trailer. I got a knock on my door at 12:30 in the morning by a wrecker driver saying my car was being towed and if I wanted it I had to pay $200.00 before he took it away. The reason behind it being towed the wrecker driver said was because my front tire went over the concrete parking space and was on the grass. Mind you a tire was on the grass, not the car and this was the reasoning it was towed. I had to go to an ATM and give them $200.00 if I wanted my car back. They pulled it out of the trialer park and dropped it going the wrong way on the street. Is that a legitimate thing to do to someone?? When I drive around the trailer park and see people that has there entire car parked in the grass.
Answerwell, this is one of those great debates on trailer parks..
Most of them do not have enough room for vehicles to park, especially when you have guests.. And then add in the no parking on the street, and all that stuff and you have nightmares
Now this kind of seems petty to me, but then again, I know that the management has some kind of rules and from the sounds of it the tow company is allowed to "patrol - cruise the lot" for violators...
But to me this also does seem to be a bit shady... Tow companies who cruise lots kind of do open up chances for problems and illegal things...
Did you get a receipt for the money you paid... If so I would be interested in if you have talked to the tow company owner - manager about this issue... Not to mention the trailer park management...
Not saying that this is a rip off but it does sound a bit fishy to me...
Not every tow truck driver is a crook, but there are a few bad apples in every bunch...
Also as to rest of the trailer park with vehicles parked on the grass, well I remember a state trooper telling me a story about why he singles out speeders in a group...
He asked if I had even been fishing . Of course I have I replied
sorry but I know this is not much of an answer but I think there is something more to this and it needs to be investigated like I said with the tow company management...