Towing Issues: Auto Towing & Storage, tow company, maintinence
QuestionMy wife & I were out of the country for 62 days tending to her father's illness and funeral arrangements.When we came back we found that our landlord had towed our car because he needed it moved to do some maintinence. When I called the towing company they told me they had sent us registered letters(that we did NOT receive) & they now own our car,because it was past the 32 day limit. We live in FL. Do I have any hope of getting our car back?
Answerwell, the laws require certified letters to be sent to the owner and any lien holders (banks etc) by the tow company notifying of the towing and pending sale of the vehicle...
BUT the certified letters are not forwarded or held by the post office and that creates problems in cases like yours...
I am not sure what you can do about this as it sounds like the tow company followed the law (but I am not there to see what is done paperwork wise) and I am not sure what you can do even if you went to court and tried to get the vehicle back... Course you never know what the court will do or rule on...
Talk nice to the tow company, try to work something out and you might get a deal worked out... But I really do not see much of anything helping you that I know of... Maybe a lawyer might have an idea, but I really have none.