Towing Issues: Towing Damage, small claims court, tow companies

Hi Richard, my car was reently towed and I noticed the steering wheel was cocked to the right even though I was driving straight.  I took it to an autobody today and i found out that the left lower control is completely bent and my car is no longer in drivable condition.  I had several repairmen tell me that this was damage due to towing even before I told them my ar had been towed.  They wrote me out an estimate noting how the problem happened.  How should I handle this matter with the towing company?

well I would suggest that you take the vehicle (if possible) and the estimate to the tow company who did the tow...
Pictures, and estimates are the best way to prove that it happened.
Tell them that it was damaged while being towed and you would like it repaired.. But be ready for them to argue with you in most cases...

As much as I hate to say it, damage does happen from time to time while vehicles are being towed and as such the tow companies get claims, which at times are legit, but other times they are not valid claims..

In most cases you have to keep on them about the issue and it will take time, (kind of like dealing with your insurance company) but most companies are understanding and will deal with it and repair the vehicle.
Just keep lots of documentation on this as it will be needed at times if they decide to just deny the damage is their fault and you need to go the small claims court route (hopefully that is a last resort)