Towing Issues: tractor trailer towed, tow truck driver, combination vehicles

I have a tractor trailer that i parked in a publice parking lot although i was wrong should I have to pay the price of towing of the tractor and towing of the trailer .  I feel I am being double billed for something that could have been towed together.  why should i pay because they lack the skills other towing companies have?   please answer me asap as I really want to take action.  I live in hudson, Florida

Well since you drive tractor trailer, I know you know all about weight and length laws...

First of all, tow trucks are not exempt from those laws and even though Florida does offer a "wrecker permit" which allows for towing of combination vehicles, it does also have provisions for "divisible loads"...

Now as a heavy duty tow truck driver also here in Alabama, I do have to point out that your truck and trailer is about 70 feet long and add in a 30 to 40 foot long tow truck and it makes getting in and out of places harder...

The reason it might of been towed in 2 parts could deal with this kind of issue, or even the fact that its hard to get it backed into the tow company yard. (ever back up doubles???)

I know that backing doubles can be done, but its real hard...

Now as to skills of the drivers, sure they can do it, but remember skills have nothing to do with liability and damage claims either.  I would hate to be towing the truck and trailer and clip one of those low poles common in parking lots close to fire hydrants and rip out the bottom of the trailer... That has happened before (not to me, knock on wood) and at times, safety and being legal override the "practical towing reasons" which you talk about in skills.

Now as to taking action, I know you would like to recover some, or all of your money paid out, but it would be up to a judge to rule on that, and again the laws would come into play there...  The tow company would only have to point out the "federal length laws" and you would be out of luck...

Or it could all be a case of "GREED" and getting the most they can. Who knows the answer.

I hope this helps you with this issue...

(side note, I got called out to tow a tractor trailer from the Sneads Scales yesterday and they tried to tell me I could not do it in combination, and yes I have the permits also... They called it a divisible load, and even though it was loaded with hazardous materials (propane) they would not let me tow it, but they also cited the laws to me. I pointed out the implications of "homeland security rules" and not a safe haven, but they did not care)