QuestionI have AAA and a week ago I called them to tow my 97 Honda CRV from my place of work to an auto mechanic shop due to a cracked radiator. When I called AAA I explained I needed a tow and why and where and they asked me make, model, year of vehicle. I told them, the tow drive came, saw my card, took my key and towed approx 20 miles. The mechanic shop called and advised they had towed incorrectly, should have been flat bedded and was towed with rear wheels down and burned up my rear differential. Triple A has provided me with a rental vehicle and I have had it towed to Honda as reccomeneded by the initial mechanic who fixed the radiator. It is now sitting at Honda and no one has yet authorized them to order parts or fix. It appears they are bickering over I or someone should have told the tow truck company that it was an all wheel drive and required a flat bed. I'm sorry but I have Triple A and I pick up the phone call for roadside assistance and answer their questions. I have no idea different vehicles require different trucks for towing. Your thoughts on this please?
Thank you
That is an online towing manual recommendation on your vehicle...
It would appear from what you say here that it was towed wrong. BUT since I was not there, I really can not tell you exactly what was done during the tow...
Now as to AAA sending out the right truck, that is an issue which is really the "contracting stations" decision. But regular wheel lift tow trucks can tow your vehicle as long as dollies are used on the other end (this are the small tires you see on the backs of the trucks)...
Flatbeds are great but they are not always needed, and at times they do cause more damage then a regular tow truck would...
Most likely what is "THE REAL CAUSE" is a driver who is not trained very well in what to do and how to do it. There are several books available to tow truck drivers which tell us what is needed.
Now it sounds like AAA is trying to help you solve the issue, but while you actually own the vehicle, most vehicle owners not know what or how to tow the vehicle they own... Plus there is a lot of bad information out there passed on by others.
As to the vehicles needing different trucks, it is true and there are different conditions which also affect the towing of vehicles.
Flatbed tow trucks do not work in parking garages very well due to height conditions, but they are great on the freeways.
I could go on for a long time about this, but its one of those "training issues" I believe and you will get things taken care of but it might take some time.
Hope this helped you.