QuestionVehicle towed from my apartment complex because of expired tag(Coral Springs, FL.) I thought the vehicle was stolen but I called the apartment office 1st to see if they knew anything. Leasing agent explained that it was towed because of expired tag...which means the leasing office called it in to be towed or the towing company contacted them after the tow. Next morning paid cash to have car returned , received a receipt, and I brought a copy of my lease and the receipt to the leasing office that states that expired tags must be given 3 days written notice before towing. No notice was given. Leasing agent looked over the lease and apologized. I was told to take the amount of the tow and deduct that from my rent. Rent was paid the next day minus the towing fee. 3 days later I receive a phone call from the leasing office. The supervisor of the leasing office explained that the agent I previously handled the issue with was incorrect. She explained that the towing of the car had nothing to do with the apartment complex. She said that in Coral Springs, Fl. the towing company can come in and tow a vehicle any time they please. Do you have any idea if this sounds true or is the supervisor wrong. I did pay the apartment complex the full amount of rent because I did not feel like arguing because I was not sure about the law.
Answerwell this is correct and it is also not correct...
First of all the apartment has to have a contract with the tow company which states when they can tow, what they can tow, and why they can tow... This is called "roam towing or patrolling the lot"
The fact the tow company comes in when they feel its "needed" depends on the "profitability of the complex" for towing. If they do not get many vehicles they will not be there often, but if they get lots of cars then they will be there a lot...
Now the reason it was towed, (expired tags) is a common thing which is spelled out in the rental - lease agreements, among other things such as backing in, inoperative vehicles and such. The tow company has guidelines of what to tow. The apartment gave them the rights and the list to do it.
Now as to legal or not, to tow for expired tags. A judge would have to rule on that one, but it sounds legal to me. But again I was not there and do not see the paperwork and such.
The supervisor does sound like they know "most of the rules" but not all of the rules, which is not uncommon to happen...
I hope this helped.