Question My girlfriend and I live in Gresham Oregon (Multnomah County) and live in an apartment complex when we moved in they assingned #'d parking spots, we asked about a closer spot to our apt. and were told that as long as we know that it is a vacant spot we could use it but if someone assumed the spot and told us then we would no longer be able to use it. So we used a spot right next to our assigned spot (our#58 the other was #59) it was vacant for a couple maybe 3 months before we even used it, then we got a second car and started using it for about 2 months and no problems then one morning the car was gone and come to find out one of the new lady's in the office had it towed after it was eventually assigned to somebody who in turn told the office.
Now the car is registered with the apt. complex and there was no form of notifacation by phone, letter on door of apt., or letter note or sticker on car. The new lady in the office says that she watched the car for a couple day's and it didn't move but it had I had drove it and she can't even see the car or spot from the office. There are no Towing signs or anything that I can find, just the conversation we had when we moved in which convieneintly that lady is on maternity leave. Also the #'s painted on the pavement are so old weatherized that it's hard to tell #58 from #59 they pretty much the same. Please help me find the laws about this matter I have looked on the internet and phone book trying to find out if this was legal and I can't find anything.
Thank-you for you time and HELP.
AnswerAh, Gresham Oregon, gateway to Mt Hood... I miss my homestate of Oregon...
Gresham has recently changed some laws regarding impounding vehicles from Private property and I have lost my links to it...
But I hate to say it that your "verbal agreement" to use any vacant space is worth exactly the paper it is written on... ZIP - ZERO.
Now as to the parking lot maintennce issue, the numbers and such are the complexes responsibilty and as such they need to keep them up, but weather, abuse and cars driving on them all take their toll...
I hate to say it but registered vehicles with the apartment office do not really help much, and notifications of towing are not aways given as it does get hard to track down who owns what and where they are, especially after hours...
And like you said, given the "maternity leave" and the new person, sometimes there is just a lack of commmunications. This usually results in towing, just like what happened there.
Now as to the signs, there is a state law which requires signs to be posted, and it is listed below...
98.810 Unauthorized parking of vehicle at proscribed property prohibited. No person, without the permission of:
(1) The owner of a parking facility, shall leave or park any vehicle on the parking facility if there is a sign displayed in plain view at the parking facility prohibiting public parking thereon or restricting parking thereon.
(2) The owner of proscribed property, shall leave or park any vehicle on the proscribed property whether or not there is a sign prohibiting or restricting parking on the proscribed property. [1953 c.575 s.1; 1979 c.100 s.3; 1981 c.861 s.24; 1983 c.436 s.3]
Also below is a link to one of the new Oregon laws regarding towing issues..
I hope all this helps you..