QuestionQUESTION: About a year ago, my gf at the time had 2 car towed from our apartment complex. We couldn't move them because of the blizzarding conditions outside. Within a couple of days of them getting towed. I went to the towing company, paid the towing fee. It was again blizzarding. I could only get one of them started in the towing companies parking lots. So, I took that one home and left the other one to come back and get when it was nicer. The company owner and I had a verbal agreement that I would pay $150 capped for storage and come and get it when I had the next chance... Well, we ended up breaking up. I moved and basically totally forgot about that car being there. She called me to call them to get the car. Remind you it has been 13 months since the vehicle was towed. So, I called them.. They stated that they no longer had the car and that it was crushed. Ok, fine. It wasn't worth hardly anything. But what about the property that was inside the car. To include 2 vehicle titles, $1000s of dollars in sports equipment. Etc. What are my rights?? By this point in the conversation, they told me, pay the $7000 storage fee and you can get your stuff back. Now I know for sure they can't keep paper work. What about all of the other stuff?? Please help.
ANSWER: Well, I really hate to say that you are out of the vehicles and the contents inside them...
Usually when the tow company files a lien on the vehicle, any and all contents are included in the lien...
I am sorry for not being able to provide more information, but it has no real information to provide you with "SOLID ANSWERS" since I have no idea what state you are in, and as such I can not provide a more detailed answer based on the state laws for lien notifications and such...
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I am from North Dakota. There was no lien whatsoever filed on the vehicle. I appreciate your time.
Answersomewhere, some how, the tow company had to file a lien which is state required to be able to "legally" dispose of the vehicle...
Now the "last registered vehicle owner" would get a letter (usually certified) at the last address on file with DMV. If you moved a lot of times the mail does not get forwarded and gets returned... That generally does not help as the tow company can not contact you, but still is able to file the lien with the "returned mail" showing as undeliverable...