QuestionMy car broke down. I moved it into the median that was between two lanes. The median is very large. 20 ft wide 150ft long with yellow stripes. safest place for it to be where i was. this is at six pm. I couldnt get someone to help me tow it untill 4 am. The car was gone. I called police and they said if you break down, you must immediately remove it. you have no time. no matter if its the shoulder or not. Its a federal road. Is this for real? Hilo, Hawaii?
AnswerWell, medians are just for separating the lanes, not for parking and the shoulders of the road (emergency lanes) are just for short term EMERGENCY PARKING...
If the vehicle had been in or caused a wreck the responsibility would fall on you, for leaving it there.
But basically, parking is not allowed on roadways or the sides of the roadways due to major safety issues. People tend to drive where vehicles are and ones in between the lanes just add confusion to the motoring publics attention span.
The police are right though as it should of been moved right away from the median.
Sorry that you could not get anyone to help you, but at times its best to pay a tow fee for a breakdown tow, which is cheaper generally than a tow for a police ordered tow. And given the amount of people with cell phones now, it is hard to say that "you had to go find a phone to call for help"