Towing Issues: towing, dui charge, answering the question

Can my vehicle be towed for a DUI charge with no reasonable evidence because the police department says so there was no 100% proof and what law provides the right for my vehicle to get towed

well without knowing what City or State it is real hard to provide a solid answer for you..

But lets say for the sake of argument, that you were drunk and then arrested... Now if you stopped on the side of the road do you think it would be ok for the vehicle to be left there... Or how about if you pulled into a parking lot...

Are the police supposed to be liable for your vehicle and its safety while you are in custody..

Would you want it left there for people to run into, vandalize it,  break into it, or steal it?    If something happened who would you blame???

Sorry for not really answering the question but it was missing a few key parts.