Towing Issues: Towing my pickup, penske truck, tow dolly

Hi, I'm going to be moving around 1300 miles (Santa Fe NM to Eugene OR) with a 26' Penske truck. I have an '01 off-road Ford Ranger. I'm told by U-Haul and Penske that it won't work with any sort of tow dolly, so I'm wondering if it's possible to just tow it behind the truck with a T-bar without any damage. If so, what would be involved to accomplish this?
Many thanks for your help.

well a tow dolly verses a trailer are 2 different trailers...
I would look into a trailer before I try using a towbar (if you can even get them anymore for rent.

UHaul has some good references as to what can be towed using what ever, and that is also a problem...They have kind of "been there had it done" with either good or bad results.

Sorry but I really can not provide an answer as to what you can do with their equipment.