Towing Issues: Driver removing personal articles from vehicle, personal possessions, tow company
QuestionMy vehicle was recently towed from my home before towing the vehicle the driver broke into the vehicle and started removing articles from the vehicle and putting them on the ground. I wouldn't have been so concerned about that, but now some of my stuff is missing. Is it legal in Utah for a driver to break into the vehicle and remove personal possessions?
AnswerThis has to have a bit more to the question than you listed...
Why was the vehicle being towed? was it being repo'ed? Was it towed per orders from an law enforcement agency?
As a general practice a tow company does not remove property from vehicles, and I really did not find any "specific law" about it from Utah.
As to the missing stuff, it would be a case of you say its there and they deny it.
Sorry but that's about the best I can do for an answer.