Towing Issues: towing a curbside parking during daytime, mobile home park, fire lanes
QuestionI live in a mobile home park that recently did a sweep of the park and any cars curbside parked were to be towed. My car was one of them but I had just pulled up and was changing my clothes to leave. I was there for five minutes. Shouldn't there be guidelines for simple loading and unloading time? This was extremely upsetting.
AnswerWell in absence of knowing where you live I can only say that while it seems illegal and is upsetting, the fact of life in trailer parks is that any parking on the street is deemed illegal and is subject to towing.
Reason is that generally the streets are narrow and as such tend to be considered fire lanes and as such any vehicles in the street are towed...
Be it 3 minutes or 3 hours it usually does not matter...
Also you might check in your rental agreement, and you might see a provision which spells out the parking rules..
Again, I hope this helps but without "SPECIFIC CITY AND STATE" information I really can not provide much of an answer.