Towing Issues: remove a car from a rental property I own, tow companies, local police department
QuestionIt's an abandoned car on my rental property. Owner is long gone. Last registered in 03 in Arizona. The tow companies I have called will not tow off private property. How do I get this car removed?
Answerwell most tow companies will tow off private property if there is a chance of the vehicle being paid for and picked up...
Unfortunately, junk cars are very costly to get rid of by tow companies and some tow companies have started charging property owners to remove the vehicle...
Also one issue is that different states have rules as to how and when vehicles can be removed from private property... In some areas the local police department or even the "code enforcement" people can have abandoned vehicles removed from Private property...
Some areas also require the police department to authorize the removal of the vehicle.
I would check with the City and see what you can do to get rid of the vehicle. I can not provide a solid, Specific answer as you did not tell me where you are.