Towing Issues: Broken Down on the Side of the Road, tow truck driver, limousine company

I work for a Limousine company so sometimes a car breaks down on the side of the road.  So before calling a tow company our mechanic goes out first to see if it is something he can fix. Before the mechanic can get there a police officer comes by and says that if its not moved soon its going to be towed.  My questions is can a police officer tow a broken down car that is not blocking a street and the driver is inside the car?  And/or how long do I have to move the car?
This is in The Miami and Palm Beach County Areas of Florida

Well, a police officer has the rights and the power to have vehicles towed, which even though they might not be blocking the street, pose a threat to other motorists safety..

Remember people drive where they look and as such seeing any vehicle off the side of the road begins to cause them to slow down and not really pay attention to traffic... Now multiply that by 300 or so cars and you begin to cause a slow down and a back up...Someone will pile into this mess and have an accident...  

Now that being said, as a tow truck driver, I know companies want to avoid the towing fees and as such send mechanics and other road service people to check out vehicles... It does create problems when they take a while to get there (not everyone will be there in 20 minutes like some tow companies are required to be there by laws or contracts)... Plus anyone working on the side of the road is subject to increased danger of being hit or killed the longer they are there...

A lot of this answer really depends on traffic conditions, the roadway it self, the officer and how he does his job among other issues..

It really does not have much of a "legal" answer as there is not anything that says you have "X" amount of time, nor is there anything that says you can not be towed either...
Remember the roadway and the associated right of ways are all public property and as such have parking and traffic regulations as such which need to be followed...
Yes the Miami area is very crowded and traffic is bad, which means that "generally" things happen very fast..